Wednesday, May 11, 2016


The Interviews

After completing my internet research I wanted to discover how students and teachers use qr codes on a regular basis.

Student Interview:

1. Do you know what a qr code is and where have you seen them?
   A qr code is an image that you scan and it links you to information.

2. Do any of your teachers use qr codes?
   Sometimes with handouts, but not often in high school. Sometimes we used them in middle school.

3. What did you use qr codes for?
   I use them with snapchat mostly. It's pretty easy and fun. You can add friends or get invites to parties and stuff.

4. Would you like if teachers used them or used snapchat in the classroom?
   Teachers don't know how to use snap chat Ms. that would be like weird.

Administration (AP email interview)

1. Do you know what a qr code is and have you used them?
Yes, once for PD.

2. Have you seen teachers using them? If so do you think it enhanced the educational process?
No, I have not seen teachers using them.

3. Do you think a training on this might be beneficial for teachers on campus?
Possibly, it depends on how it is being used.

Alix Horton (Instructional Coach for New Tech)

1. Have you used a qr code to facilitate materials at a conference?
We have occasionally, but most of the materials we use are online already and in a published program.

2. Have you seen any lessons that are project based facilitated with qr codes?
I have not, but that might be an interesting way to have the students find the driving question and start finding the materials for the project.

Teachers at RRHS

I sent out an all staff email asking if anyone used qr codes in their classroom, how they used them, if they were effective. I received two emails back, both teachers said yes. One teacher said they used them for surveys and for scavenger hunts. The other teacher said that she has one outside her classroom door with her tutoring hours and email.

happy excited school cheering exciting

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